Monday, February 2, 2015

The Superbowl Came and Went, Now Time to Play Ball

Superbowl comments- I didn't really like either of the teams, but leaned towards the seahawks in terms of their reputation. I don't mind that the patriots won but if they cheated during that game against the colts, I hope the guilt lingers with them.

Dan Duquette staying with the Orioles despite of rumors that he was going to sign a deal with Toronto.

Matt Wieters, who was out recovering from Tommy John surgery and Manny Machado who was out with another knee injury are expected to hopefully return in time for opening day. Let's hope Machado has no more knees to sprain. Machado is cleared of all injuries and expected to participate with the team during spring training. No word yet on Wieters.

Chris Davis took the time out to discuss matters with his recent suspension. Davis says "I obviously wasn't thinking about the big picture, it was a mistake that I wish I could go back and undo,"

Orioles reach agreement with Steve Pearce- a one-year, 3.7 million dollar contract.

The Orioles again are being picked for last place. That works for me. Just saying that you did the same thing last year sportscaster people and look where they ended up. Do you think that just because they lost one player that's going to change the whole team? It's about time to stop picking the yankees and red sox because of their big names. It's not the 20th century anymore. There's no more Jeter, DiMaggio, Geurig. Just because a team has good players and pays a lot of money doesn't mean anything. Not all big money players are stars. The ones that are good enough don't earn enough reputation or money. You have to start looking down at the players there are right in front of you and not base your team of off a bunch of stars. Not how it works at all.

If I listed my personal picks, it would be obvious because I'm Orioles fan that I'll pick them ahead of everyone else. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but it's doubtful that the yankees will be able to replace the swagger of their legend, Jeter. There are no big names there anymore.

Outside the Yard (well not really)

A small fire was ignited at a ticket stand on the first floor of the warehouse. None were injured and no serious damage occured to the warehouse and the park.

Upcoming Games
@Tigers, March 3rd

April 6th- @Rays

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